
Three Risks

There are three financial risks to have a plan for.

1) If you live too long (investments)

2) If you live too short (life insurance)

3) If you get sick (disability insurance & liquidity)

3. Disability:   Average length of disability is over 34.6 months!  Your expenses continue, but your income stops.  What is your plan if you can’t […]

By |September 16th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Joint accounts now have to be probated!

I recently attended a presentation by John MacCauley LLB and Charles Eyton-Jones LLB  sponsored by the Scarborough Estate and Financial Planning Council and found out a little about 2012 changes in probate rules.

People used to avoid probate fees by putting assets in joint names. Jointly held assets pass to the surving joint owner and […]

By |September 16th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

A Look at a Bigger Picture

Here are a few of my thoughts and personal observations. Interest rates are low. The central banks lower interest rates to stimulate the economy if it isgrowing too slowly. They raise them if the economy is growing too fast. This supports the thought that world economies are not strong and working to full capacity. […]

By |September 16th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments